Unitarian Universalist Women's Connection

The Unitarian Universalist Women's Connection, successor organization to the Central MidWest District UU Women's Federation has been transforming and re-visioning since spring of 2003. We have built on our many years of service. Our new name, UU Women's Connection, represents our mission to connect women within the region, to stimulate interest in aspects of the Unitarian Universalist movement and concerns of the world, and to serve as liaison between women of the region and the larger UU movement.

UU Women's Connection started out to provide two fine retreats yearly as well as other complimentary programming within the MidAmerica Region of the UUA. We provide assistance to local churches with programming ideas such as the Margaret Fuller Conversations program, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven feminist curriculum and maintain a video library. We publish a quarterly newsletter for individual members and units, and support organizations such as Illinois and Missouri RCRC, UUSC, Margaret Fuller Awards and Clara Barton Washington Internship. In recent years, Women's Connection has increased conference scholarship, ministerial and other incentive programs making them available to many women in the MidAmerica Region. The Women's Connection awarded its first grant at the end of 2005 and seeks others yearly.

The UU Women's Connection was incorporated on June 16, 2005 as a non-profit in the State of Illinois as the successor organization for the CMwD-UUWF. Now an official 501(c)(3) independent from, but related to the UUA, we continue to support Continental UU Women's Federation advocacy, grant and other outstanding programs for women and girls in the tradition of our Unitarian Universalist foremothers -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Fuller, Clara Barton and Olympia Brown.


UU Women's Connection now sponsors FOUR annual gatherings -- the Spring Conference at Pilgrim Park near Princeton, Illinois; the Summer Retreat at Ronora Lodge in Watervliet, Michigan; Fall Retreat at Cedar Valley Center in Racine, Wisconsin, and a NEW Winter Retreat in southern Illinois.  Click on the RETREATS link above for more information.


UU Women's Connection Governing Council

"Say Yes"

If you think you would enjoy our work and fulfilling our mission for UU women of the region and the broader world, it could be the place for you. Our fiscal year begins January 1st. We are always looking for talented women within the MidAmerica Region to say "yes" to leadership on the UU Women's Connection Governing Council.

Councilwomen serve three years and commit to attendance at quarterly governing council meetings online, where planning is carried out to support and foster retreats, educational programming, communication, public relations and more through consensus and shared leadership. No experience necessary. Much work is conducted through emails between meetings.

Contact us if you or someone you know would consider joining the UU Women's Connection governing council.

UU Women's Connection By Laws

Adopted on January 21, 2005 establishing UU Women's Connection as the non profit 501 (c) (3) successor organization to the Central Midwest District Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation.

pdf UU Women's Connection Bylaws (79 KB)