Marsha Forrest

57th Annual Spring Conference

Pilgrim Park Conference Center, Princeton, IL

June 5-7, 2015

Journeys of the Spirit

Featured keynote speaker Marsha Forrest

Our 2015 Spring Conference Keynote is a health and wellness consultant.
In her own words:
I am a woman of Mohawk ancestry who was born and raised on the Six Nations Reservation in Ontario, Canada. I was encouraged by a large extended family to pursue my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. I lived in Haida Gwaii, the Queen Charlotte Islands of B.C., for thirty three years, and was adopted into the Ts'aalth Clan of the Eagle Clan of the Haida. I moved with my husband from Haida Gwaii to Southern Illinois and I am working with the Cherokee and women's groups in that area.


I have always had a strong sense of helping and being a support to others as they go through both minor and major transitions in their lives. Now as a Health and Wellness Consultant, I support people in ways to help them discover their own strengths and responsibility for their well being and their environment. I hold the vision of a holistic view of health which finds the balance of the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental aspects of one's own being as they grow towards their full potential. I believe every person has an opportunity to make a positive difference to others and our precious world, just by their willingness to be compassionate, respectful and loving. I am now retired from nursing and most of my career took place in a hospital setting. It has been fulfilling to continue to incorporate both western and complimentary techniques into my work. Some of these techniques include acupressure, reflexology, polarity therapy, massage and traditional healing practices. I have been taught by many native Elders over the last thirty years and have been grateful to learn about the traditional teachings and ceremonies. I have been encouraged to share these teachings with others and I do this with individuals or with groups. I have traveled local, national and international with the Elders and attended many gatherings with them.

I have been fortunate to attend a number of conferences and consultations as a representative of the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada, the B.C. Nurses Union, the Canadian Women's Health Network, Earth Peoples United, Grandmothers Circle the Earth and as a representative for Canada. I look at life as an opportunity for continuous learning, self development and being of service.

For more information about Marsha Forrest's teachings:

Also Enjoy:
Games * Group Activities * Crafting * Workshops
The Fine Company of Women

Pilgrim Park is located in north central Illinois, approximately two hours southwest of Chicago, one hour east of Moline, and one hour north of Peoria. We are just south of Interstate 80, and can be reached from either Highway #6 or Highway #29 (main entrance).

Pilgrim Park Camp & Conference Center
26449 1340 N Ave, Princeton, IL 61356

Download the PDF directions to Pilgrim Park.

WORKSHOP 1:00 - 2:30 pm:

Aligning Ourselves with the Natural World - Marsha Forrest

WORKSHOP 2:45 - 4:15 pm:

* 13 Feminine Archetypes - Tracy Zieber-Minks
* Book Discussion - Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

WORKSHOP 4:30 - 5:45 pm


Registration Fees

Full Conference
Non-Member Price is listed in the online form: $75
Member Price ($15 discount) $60
Saturday Only (incl registration, use fee, plus lunch & dinner) $82
Saturday Only, including everything listed above, plus breakfast $90
Yes, the price for Saturday only is more than the Full Conference all-weekend price.

Room & Board

Upper Conference Center - Single (on the main floor, with private bath) $145
Upper Conference Center - Double $130
Upper Conference Center - Triple $120
Lower Conference Center (dorm type room with shared bathroom) $105
Higgins Lodge - Double Occupancy Only (a short walk from the main building) $125

Rates listed are per person for the entire conference period, Friday evening through Sunday morning.

Meals included are Friday dinner (6-7 p.m.) through Sunday breakfast. Check-in time is 4 p.m. Friday. Room checkout time is 10 a.m. Sunday. Sheets, pillow, blanket, towel and washcloth are provided. There are a limited number of rooms in the Upper Conference Center, so send in your reservations early!


The UU Women's Connection budget funds four grants of up to $100 each.
Additional $40 grants are available to help with childcare expense. Note: On-site childcare is not available, though nursing babies are welcome.
Applications must be postmarked by May 5. These go fast! You may also apply as you register, and choose "Mail in Payment."
You'll get an answer to your request within 10 days.


Use our online form or mail completed registration form (print out from the VOW newsletter) with payment to:
Janet Adams, 1310 Clement Street, Joliet, IL 60435
Make checks payable to: UU Women's Connection
Questions?? - Call Janet at 815-727-1948 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  pdf 2015 Spring Retreat flyer (117 KB)
  pdf Voices of Women 2015 Spring (2.44 MB)  (includes brochure and registration form)

Want more info? Want to help with planning our next event? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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