Our 2022 Fall Retreat was at the DeKoven Center on the shores of Lake Michigan in Racine, Wisconsin October 14 – 16.

Our keynote for the 2022 Fall Retreat was Rev. Selena Fox.

Selena Fox with cauldron 960wPowers of the Crone

Connecting and working with the Goddess as Crone throughout one's life.   Attuning to Her powers of Wisdom, Empowerment, Inner Sight, Release, Healing, Repatterining, Death and Rebirth, and Mystery.

For those attending the Fall Retreat the schedule will including in-gathering ritual Friday night, Saturday’s keynote, workshops in the afternoon, a croning ritual Saturday evening, and a closing ritual Sunday morning – and of course – drumming. Those attending our retreat will be required to be fully vaccinated. Wearing a facial mask when indoors around other people is optional.

Rev. Selena Fox is the Senior Minister of Circle Sanctuary, which is a rural church and sanctuary near Barneveld, Wisconsin serving Nature Spirituality practitioners worldwide since 1974. Selena teaches about Nature communion, Pagan spirituality, Ecopsychology, and Wellness through writings, ceremonies, podcasts, social media, and online events. Over the years, Selena has spoken at UUA conferences, including General Assembly, and has served as guest minister at a variety of Unitarian Universalist churches across the USA. She has also been an invited speaker at many CUUPs (Covenant of UU Pagans) events and workshops. Selena is among the contributors to Pagan and Earth-centered Voices in Unitarian Universalism. Selena has a MS in counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and works with clients of diverse backgrounds. Selena is an activist for gender and racial equality, religious freedom, interfaith collaboration, and environmental preservation. She serves on the Board of Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice, and on the leadership team on the national Council on Ministry in Specialized Settings (COMISS).

She is considered one of the "mothers" of the Pagan movement in the USA, along with Z Budapest and Starhawk. She advocates for Pagan US armed service members and she has been working to fight discrimination against Pagans in many forms. She has worked with UU congregations all over the country.

Workshop Choices

Our keynote’s workshop was offered after our lunch break. Everyone was welcome to participate in Rev. Selena Fox’s workshop. Before her workshop we offered 2 more workshops.

Make and Take Spirit Doll – Workshop Leader: Dana Lusk

Spirit dolls (also known as altar dolls), have origins in the folk art of many cultures as a way in which you create an embodiment of a journey of healing grief or trauma, or providing a sense of joy, courage, power, wisdom or hope.

The process begins with guided meditation to find your inner wisdom and intention for your doll to become a direct spiritual connection to be a guide to you. Spirit dolls have also been used to tap into ancestral wisdom as a way to celebrate loved ones.

The following materials will be provided to you to create your spirit doll include: pre-sewn fabric body, polyfill to stuff your doll, fabric paint, fabric to decorate or create clothing, needles, thread, and ribbon to sew or glue onto the doll.

Bring any special meaningful item, such as a small crystal, charm, or herb to place inside the doll after stuffing and before sewing her closed. Additionally, you may wish to bring your own supplies as well, such as a special piece of fabric, nature/dried plant material, feathers, etc., to add to your doll that you believe will create the embodiment of the essences of your beautiful spirit!! You do not have to be a sewing or crafting aficionado to make a doll! To cover the cost of the materials, please bring $10.

Book Discussion of Sacred Actions, a book by American Druid Dana O’Driscoll

Sacred action is all about us learning how to align our outer lives with our inner core of nature spirituality and connectedness, and ultimately, help us live more regeneratively and with care. Sacred action is about doing small, slow things in our own lives to better align with our sacred nature-based spiritual practices and the living earth.

If you are a Youth (ages 12-17), please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for additional registration paperwork.

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