Pilgrim Park near Princeton IllinoisChristine SaxmanWe gathered at Pilgrim Park again this year, with an added day for extra fun!

May 30-June 2, 2024

Our keynote was Christine Saxman! Christine, founder of Saxman Consulting, is an author, facilitator, coach, educator, and consultant with twenty years of racial equity and social justice experience working with educational, corporate, not-for-profit, and government organizations. She co-authored Being White Today: A Roadmap for a Positive Antiracist Life and Western State Center’s toolkit Confronting Conspiracy Theories and Organized Bigotry at Home: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers. She also works on staff for the National SEED Project (Seeking Education Equity and Diversity) and collaborates with the Race Institute.  Prior to spending two years as an equity transformation specialist at Courageous Conversations About Race, Christine was an educator in Township District 113 in Illinois for fifteen years where she was also a racial equity leader. In 2016, she received recognition as an Illinois Golden Apple Finalist and Teacher of Distinction.

Christine kept us engaged with the information and understanding she brought to her keynote and workshops. We had lots of questions and stories for her.

We enjoyed workshops on: pendulums, creative doodling, UU women's groups, and self-publication. Kathy brought resin molds to make our own pendulums or pendants. Rituals included some Dances of Universal Peace and a bit of sing-along, with plenty of drumming. Friday night's bonfire was an encouraging mix of women's chants and talk. Late evenings saw euchre, puzzles and dominoes along with a relaxed atmosphere in the large gathering room. Once again, Pilgrim Park staff fed and cared for us very well. And the cicadas were there, but they kept a comfortable distance away up in the trees surrounding the camp.

Element: Spirit        Direction:  Above and Below

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